Engaging Virtual Assistant Improves User Registration Process for she-expert.org

Custom Module Implementation of Kaima Reduces Bounce Rate and Increases User Engagement


Key takeaways

She-expert.org is a website that empowers women to share their knowledge and experiences. However, the standard Drupal workflow for registration and filling out a questionnaire made it challenging for site visitors, leading to a high bounce rate. Attico International created a custom module that imitated chatting with Kaima, a virtual assistant, to make the registration and questionnaire process engaging and fun.

The project requirements, solutions and outcome



The challenge was making the registration and questionnaire process more attractive to site visitors. The standard, boring Drupal workflow led to a high bounce rate.


The goal was to improve the registration and questionnaire process for she-expert.org, as the standard Drupal workflow led to a high bounce rate. The task was to make the process engaging and fun, encouraging site visitors to complete the registration process and complete the questionnaire.


What We Did


Attico International created a custom module that implemented Kaima, a virtual assistant. The module included a settings page where questions were added, and a validation parameter could be added for each answer to a question. On the "chat with Kaima" page, each question was a text taken from the module settings, and the response field was a form generated by a js script.



  • The custom module made the registration and questionnaire process engaging and fun.
  • Site visitors enjoyed chatting with Kaima, and the bounce rate decreased.
  • The data collected from all forms were sent to the module handler, which created a user and sent emails to the site moderator and newly registered user. Thus, the custom module also automated the registration process.



Users responded positively to the new registration process, and the bounce rate decreased significantly. The client was happy with the final product, which made the questionnaire process more interesting and user-friendly.


Nuriya Fatykhova Project Manager of She-expert.org

We appreciate Attico's hard work and dedication to making our project a success.

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