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From dev to prod: best practices for Drupal environment management

Efficient environment management is a crucial aspect of Drupal development, playing a pivotal role in ensuring the success and reliability of the final product.

From dev to prod: best practices for Drupal environment management


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, where speed, quality, and security are paramount, adhering to best practices for development, testing, staging, and production environments is essential.

In this article, you’ll learn best practices for managing and securing your environments. By following them, you can ensure a smoother development process, reduce risks, and deliver a reliable, high-quality product to your users. 

The role of dev, test, stage, and production environments

Navigating the development lifecycle involves seamlessly transitioning between different environments, each playing a vital role in delivering a robust solution.

The role of dev, test, stage, and production environments

Development environment

The development (dev) environment is where developers write and create software. This environment allows developers to iterate and improve software without impacting end users. A robust Drupal development environment ensures a smooth and efficient development process.

Testing environment

The testing (test) environment is needed for QA teams to assess product quality by conducting software tests to find and fix bugs. It closely replicates the production environment and allows teams to run various types of tests there, including performance, security, usability, acceptance, regression, and functional testing.

Staging environment

The staging (stage) environment serves as a crucial step before deployment. Setting up a staging environment entails replicating the configurations of hardware, servers, databases, and caches from the production environment. The purpose of staging is to assess the website under simulated stress conditions and ultimately make an informed decision regarding deployment to production. The stage is also often used for client demos.

Production environment

The production (prod) environment is where the site is live and available to end users. It’s the one that’s associated with the site’s domain and where all traffic is directed, therefore, it demands ongoing monitoring, testing, and fine-tuning to uphold optimal performance. 

Why is it important to manage environments properly?

For companies, it is critically important to perform backups, have a test environment, implement version control, monitor security, and follow other best practices within their environments for the following reasons:


With the increase of cyberattacks all over the world, protecting your site from various security threats is a must. According to Statista, 72.7% of businesses worldwide were affected by ransomware attacks in 2023, which is the highest rate ever reported. Securing your dev, test, stage, and production environments drastically reduces the risk of cyberattacks and data loss.



Drupal is a stable and reliable CMS, but ignoring the best practices can lead to various performance issues on your website, including slow loading speed and poor usability and design. Proper environment management will enable safe testing of updates, new features, and design changes before implementing them on a live site, thus preventing errors and downtime.


The website is the face of the company, and it plays a crucial role in your business reputation. Following from the above points, having an insecure and unreliable website can damage the company’s reputation and lead to a loss of customers. Moreover, some industries require strict adherence to the regulatory requirements for data security and content management, which also impacts reputation.

Best practices for development, testing, and production environments

Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, adopting best practices for development, testing, staging, and production environments is crucial for success.

Let’s delve into some key strategies to fortify your systems and protect your data.

Best practices for development, testing, and production environments

Setting up backups

Implementing robust backup procedures is non-negotiable. Regularly scheduled backups should be conducted to protect you from unexpected data loss and to enable fast recovery in the event of a disaster, such as hardware failure, software malfunction, cyberattacks, or human errors. 

Backups should be stored in a location different from the production server, for example, on a dedicated network drive with redundancy or in a cloud storage service like Amazon S3. Also, it’s important to conduct regular recovery tests to validate the effectiveness of backup and recovery procedures.

Having a separate test environment

Testing new features and updates in a live production environment is a risky business. Instead, having a separate test environment allows QA specialists to test and experiment freely without the fear of impacting the live system. Identifying and addressing bugs in a controlled environment significantly reduces the likelihood of any complications and minimizes downtime.

Versioning the code

Version control is the backbone of successful software development. By utilizing version control systems like Git, teams can track changes, collaborate effectively, and roll back to previous versions if necessary. This not only facilitates seamless collaboration and consistency across the team but also provides a safety net against inadvertent errors or code conflicts.

Security monitoring

Security monitoring helps detect and prevent unauthorized access to the CMS, safeguarding confidential information and the integrity of the website. Regular audits and penetration testing can help identify and address potential weaknesses before they’re exploited by hackers. Vulnerability assessments and compliance checks are vital to protect against threats and ensure adherence to industry regulations and standards.

To sum it up

The best practices we’ve discussed are the minimum set of actions needed to offer business owners the peace of mind and guarantee high performance and security to their website. A well-managed Drupal environment translates to faster load times, reduced downtime, and a seamless user experience, all of which contribute to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

Moreover, a robust environment management strategy enables more efficient development cycles, allowing your team to deploy new features and updates more rapidly. This agility helps your business stay competitive, adapting quickly to market changes and customer needs.

Overall, investments in backups, test environment, version control, security monitoring, and other measures for corporate CMS represent investments in the security, stability, and success of the business as a whole.

Attico International offers Drupal audit services, including the review of branching strategy, environment, and CI/CD deployment pipeline to check if your Drupal site is compliant with the best practices. Contact us for details!

Article Authors

Andrey Eroftiev
Andrey Eroftiev CTO
Always asks the right questions, gets to the bottom of things.

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