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May ’24 digest

Welcome to the May edition of Attico’s monthly digest! We are excited to bring you the latest updates, insights, and events from the life of the company.


Attico’s 11th B-Day


On May 13, 2024, Attico International celebrated 11 years since the company’s foundation. This milestone is a testament to our dedication, the hard work of our talented team, and the trust of our valued clients and partners. 

And we take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to everyone! The main celebration of the company’s birthday will take place during the summer corporate events in June.

New Acquia certification


We are thrilled to share that Alex Lyzo, Senior Drupal Developer and Team Lead at Attico, has recently acquired the “Acquia Certified Backend Specialist — Drupal 10” certification. 

This prestigious accomplishment marks Alex’s third Acquia certification, adding to his previous achievements as an Acquia Certified Developer and an Acquia Certified Site Builder. Way to go!

Project launches


Our team successfully launched several new projects. One of them is Drupal 8 to 10 site migration and redesign for our valued customer, we have worked with in the past. 

Another project is a comprehensive site audit, which includes not only technical analysis but also SEO, QA, and CJM, with points for improving the client’s portal. The customer, a robotics company, was impressed by our approach to conducting technical audits.

International Investors’ Conference in Vilnius

International Investors’ Conference in Vilnius

Attico’s CFO, Alex Pozhar, visited the International Investors’ Conference in Vilnius on May 30, 2024. The conference, titled “Vilnius 2024 | Shaping the Future of Finance,” explored a range of topics, including the role of AI in finance. 

Being integral to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), AI is now widely implemented by major corporations to drive revenue growth and cut costs, with the peak of technology expected to be in the 2030s.

Franchises research

Franchises research

Attico is exploring the franchise market. We asked our trusted technology partners to conduct comprehensive research on various aspects of the franchise market, including size, competitive landscape, and key players. Here are the key insights:

  • The global franchise market is growing at a CAGR of 9.7%, projected to reach $1.76 trillion by 2027.
  • The European market accounts for up to 20% of the global market and has a slower growth rate compared to the United States.
  • The largest franchise markets in Europe include Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands.
  • The key industries are Food & Beverage, Retail, Accommodation


Stay tuned for more exciting news, developments, and expert insights as we continue our journey in transforming the digital landscape with Drupal.

Let’s talk!

Whether you have a small urgent task, or a large ambitious project, we can help